It generally will take 2 - 10 business days to receive your refund.
We do not take the responsibility for return and exchange shipping fees.
If your item arrives damaged or defective, please contact us immediately.
The actual price will be affected by the discount or promotion, coupon code and so on you have applied at the time when you purchased.
The products must be in its original packaging and sealed.
Send an email to to state the product(s) and the reason you wish to return or exchange(including photos or videos which show the damaged or defective products).
Once your return request is approved, you can send the product(s) to our address for return. Please do not return the product without the consent of our customer service staff.
Return the parcel. Premium Vitamin is not responsible for loss or damage of the package in transit.
Once received, our customer service will contact you.
Return address (only for receiving return items): 12523 Limonite Ave Suite #440 Box #427, Mira Loma, Ca 91752
If your product is damaged or defective at the time of receipt, please contact us at with your order number and valid photo proof within 48 hours. We will inspect and provide a replacement or issue a refund.
The returned product(s) must be in good condition and unwashed with all original tags attached. We do not accept returned product(s) with abrasion, damage or change in any way.
The accessories are not broken, bent, or damaged and take a photo of the item before shipping it.
If the item has been damaged during the shipment, we will ask you to provide the photo to confirm whether the shipping company will take the responsibility or not.
Please understand that our products are made-to-order, in order to reduce environmental waste and waste of resources, we do not suggest “buy-many-keep-one” order.
If you find a part is missing in the packaging or the item you receive is incorrect, please contact us at with your order number and valid photo proof within 48 hours. We will inspect and provide a replacement or issue a partial refund.
If you receive the item that doesn’t match the description in the website, please contact us at with your order number and valid photo proof within 48 hours.
Returns are acceptable within 30 days of your purchase being postmarked and delivered. We regret that we cannot refund or exchange the product(s) for you if more than 30 days has passed since the start of delivery.
The following product(s) cannot be returned, refunded or replaced: Customs clearance product
The returned product(s) must be in good condition subject to Premier Vitamin inspection. We do not accept returned product(s) with damage or change in any way.
We do not accept returns that you send directly to us without our confirmation.
We don’t accept unconditional returns, such as any form of dislike after receiving the product(s), dissatisfaction with the material of the product(s).